Having a wide knowledge about the study of what it means to exist, what good and evil are, what knowledge is, how people should live and a rigorous background knowledge in philosophic writing and philosophical thinking will qualify a person to be able to apply for admission to the program of philosophy at PhD or DPh degree level. Subjects like metaphysics, ontology, modern philosophers, American philosophers, German philosophers, Ancient Greek philosophers, Socrates' Apology or Newman's Apologia pro Vita Mea, the links between Socrates and eastern philosophy, pre-Socratic philosopher,critical philosophical anarchism, political philosophy, the philosophical work of Timothy Sprigge,being liberal in a plural world, history of philosophy, individual rights and human evolution, etc. have to be dealt with a series of independent judgements on a case-by-case basis. As many philosophers spent years cultivating a knowledge of philosophy, autonomous researchers should have a rigorous self-study when doing research in this field of research. The person who has a stable position and are philosophy professors, rectors, chancellors, governors, school directors, and presidents who meet admission requirements as per the university norm can apply for admission. Researchers who are neophytes and novices in philosophical study are not eligible.

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Proverbs 8

Wisdom is wealth, power and justice.
by Professor Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau PhD,DPh(Teaching English)
Freedom, human rights, truth, love, wisdom, knowledge, philosophy!   Liberté , être humain équitable , vérité , amour , sagesse , savoir , philosophie! 
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