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Department of Computer Science and Technology

Proverbs 8

Wisdom is wealth, power and justice.
by Professor Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau PhD,DPh(Teaching English)
Freedom, human rights, truth, love, wisdom, knowledge, philosophy!   Liberté , être humain équitable , vérité , amour , sagesse , savoir , philosophie! 
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Department of Computer Science and Technology offers autonomous researchers' programs leading to the degree of PhD and DPh. Having a well-versed knowledge of programming languages such as C++, Java, PHP, ASP and BASIC, and being able to design a tendentious software that disseminates the world of software market will make a person qualified to be an autonomous researcher in computer science and technology at Cosmos International University.

Autonomous researchers of PhD and DPh degree programs at Cosmos International University under modern heuristic education system are going to do heuristic research on the following subjects - Computing for the future of the planet, indoor location and tracking, athlete automatic coaching, OS kernel enhancement, low-power microprocessor design, privacy systems and policies, wireless sensor networks, cross-layer wireless access, cooperative networks, wireless propagation models for challenging environments, channel coding and signal processing for wireless communications, PCIe to SATA breakout board, artificial intelligence, computer architecture, digital technology, graphic and interaction, national language and information processing, programming, logic and semantic, security, programming language design, and program analysis software engineering , system research, PCIe to SATA breakout board, programming languages, mathematical structure of discrete objects and the design and analysis of algorithms in areas such as graph theory, combinatorial optimization, integer programming, polyhedral theory, computational algebra, geometry and number theory, and computing technology in education.

CEOs of computing companies, professional programmers, software engineers, hardware and software designers who work for computing firms and who meet the requirements of admission to PhD and DPh degree programs are encouraged to apply for admission.