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Ph.D. and D.Ph. programs of Cosmos International University are only for Autonomous Learners who desire to become heuristic researchers and therefore, he or she should reach to a specific degree of competence and confidence to construct his or her own theory which is approvable and overcome the limitations of methods, philosophies, and psychologies. It involves a cognitive dimension that links thought with activity, centering on the context-embedded, interpretive process of knowing what to do and this is only possible when the academician researchers themselves want to acquire autonomy. Acquiring such autonomy requires formal and informal education of a continual none-stop process together.

A prerequisite for admission to a doctorate degree program of Cosmos International University is a pragmatically earned master's degree or equivalent from a university in the same discipline in connection with the intended field of study. But merely a Master degree certificate without having competent knowledge as above will not get a person admitted to the program. Doctorate degree holders from other universities are allowed to join the advanced Doctor of Philosophy (DPh) program of Cosmos International University . Successful candidates have to submit a one hundred thousand words heuristic research dissertation to fully complete it. Unless the candidate is 35 years, there is no policy to confer the DPh to any academician. At the time a heuristic researcher completes the DPh, he or she must be 35.

PhD degree program is a three - years heuristic educational degree program, and approved eighty thousand words dissertation should be written and submitted by the researcher as partial fulfillment to complete the Philosophical Doctor (PhD). Unlike other PhDs from other universities, PhD of Cosmos International University is to prove the academician or heuristic researcher that he or she is qualified to continue his or her research work to finish the DPh program. But it is not necessary to submit the eighty thousand words dissertation separately if students would continue their study for DPh. Duration of study for DPh is four years at the least and it is extendable depending on student's readiness for dissertation, the ability, skills and oral presentation to defense and teach his or her dissertation and specialized field of study.

Doctorate students who have completed three years are considered to have completed PhD degree, and upon completion of DPh., both PhD and DPh will be conferred at the same time. In some cases, the diploma of PhD degree will be issued after three years of doing heuristic research depending on the necessity. Every student at a doctorate degree level will not be in any case controlled by the university or higher authority of the organization which is why it is highly selective. Whatever he or she writes or gains from heuristic research knowledge will be comprised together, and it will be used for a curriculum or syllabus of Master's or Doctorate Degree programs at Cosmos International University. And he or she automatically and voluntarily becomes a volunteer Professor at Cosmos International University upon completion of PhD or DPh degree program. While voluntarily working for Cosmos International University after graduation, he or she is free and will be strongly supported to look for a permanent employment opportunity in a country of student's choice at a private or government owned regular university, college, institute or international school worldwide.

Admission to Master of Art degree program is obtainable by sending email inquiry to Fill in the inquiry form before having a connection with the director for admission.