Collections of Professor Dr David Ngin Sian Pau
Select any English language examination paper at any level and set out how you could best prepare your students to successfully pass.

For example: Cambridge First Certificate. Paper 1 Reading comprehension.


Course Name: Advance Academic  English Certificate 1.
Course Book: Advance Academic English Series 1.

The course will contain a syllabi of 120 lessons.

Total number of words will be 1000 new vocabulary including grammatical words, useful expressions, idioms, and slang words colligated to business English. All tenses including simple present, past and future will be mainly concentrated when teaching students. In every class, 10 new vocabulary will be first introduced, and then the course will be completed in 100 hours. If it is for full time day scholars, who study four hours a day can finish the syllabi in 25 days.  Let’s say, the level of students’ English is advance.

Examination for this course will consist of Reading, Writing, Oral, Grammar and Listening Comprehension tests. All the tests will be over in 5 hours which means every exam will take one hour each.  To be successful in the exam, student should obtain 40 which is the lowest pass mark, and if students score 75 or more it will be counted distinction, and 90 to 100 will be called first class.

Completing this course will make students achieve the level of C2 for
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF) which equals CPE, Pitman ESOL Advanced, TOEIC score 911-990, TOEFL iBT score 113-120, or IELTS score 7.5-9.

How I will teach the course!

Advance students already possessed the knowledge of simple English speaking skill and need to learn more grammatical orders, collocations, vocabularies, idioms and phrasal verbs , which they are not familiar with. For this reason, activities in the classroom should involve pragmatic in using whatever they learn otherwise classroom learning will not be that effective.

1. For the first 15 to 20 minutes of every class shall be spent to warm up the class and review
    the last lesson.
2. In every class whether it’s grammar, listening, pronunciation or intonation, 10 vocabulary
    should be taught followed by activities to individually use the vocabularies fluently and
    comprehensively in conversation, writing or singing.

Teaching Techniques for my classes

I believe in the effectiveness of multisensory instruction, or sensory integration in the classroom. Yet most teachers' main way of instruction is to lecture their students. So I always tell my colleagues, “ Teaching English is not the same as lecturing a class on a topic”. There are many more ways to reach students. Multisensory learning means learning through sight (visual), sound (hearing), and touch (kinesthetic) methods. A good teacher has a variety of ways to ensure student learning.
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